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February 2, 2010
SalemRecylces Committee
Meeting Minutes for February 2, 2010


Liz Vago
Katie Giddings
Lynn Murray
Penny Neal
Erin Huggard
Susan Yochelson
Jennifer Percy
Marcia Lambert
Megan Sampson
Tony Keck

  • Review Minutes from prior meeting.  Approved barring objections via email within one week.
  • Kevin Beckwith, guest speaker, from SSC discussing upcoming Earth Day events at the college and interest in SalemRecycles Committee participating in a group discussion on campus.  Date for event is Friday April 16, 2010.  To be a panel discussion, time to be determined but tentatively set for late afternoon 3:30 p.m.  Audience is open to public, with students included.  Focus to consider Producers/packagers – consumers – city collection/costs/reduction.  The committee expressed an interest in participating and would need to discuss the subjects to present.  Katie to communicate with Julie and Liz on this.  Kevin expressed willingness to return to a Committee meeting to discuss what the Committee may present.
  • Notetaking sign up list was circulated.  Members have signed up through October 2010.
  • Bookswap event for 2/27 at St. Anne’s Church was discussed.  Posters were made available to post and distribute electronically.  Signup sheet to work the event was circulated.  Julie Rose had press release prepared to circulate.  Suggested to contact book clubs, Cornerstone Books (Lynn doing); Marcia to contact Derby Square Books; Liz to contact Library; Katie to set up FaceBook site for event.
  • Perfect Pick Up program discussed.  Next photo op for awarding weekly prize set for 2/11/2010.  North Shore Fiber would like to have prize distributed at its location weekly.  Was suggested to have the weekly winner photographed in front of winner’s residence.  Concerns raised that the photo background would become stale and ignored when viewed, or loss of interest from readers seeing same background in picture each week.  Also noted that it takes people off site from North Shore Fiber to take photo each week.  Discussion about making photo interesting but not burdensome.  Some suggestions for weekly article included:  Ask winner for hints on recycling they use; take photos of winners and presenters tight to include faces and necessary items avoiding big background; run a list of things “I didn’t know I could recycle that” as caption; include suggestions to motivate a household to recycle; show items in recycle containers in the picture and not just the people; alternate locations for photos to allow some at North Shore Fiber and others at winner’s residence.
  • April 6, 2010 Recycling Conference; Subject will include Resource Management and organic recycling.  If interested in attending, contact July ASAP.
  • Scheduling Issues:  March meeting to focus on Strategic Planning for the Committee.  Dates suggested included March 8th, splitting meeting into two meetings.  Date chosen was Monday March 8th at 6:30.  Liz will circulate a draft plan.  The meeting for April will be April 6th at 6:30 p.m.
  • Clean Salem/Green Salem:  Partnership with Committee and Beautification of Salem Committee for an event on May 1st discussed.  Subject of discussion moved to city parks and recycling and how to increase number of collection containers at parks/open spaces/ball fields/etc.  Suggested to address this issue at the Strategic Plan meeting; discussion continued about ways to get more collection bins and seek funding for the containers with a sponsorship, i.e. “Brought to you by *****”.
  • Salem Gazette Articles/photos briefly discussed and circulated.
  • Event at Phillips Library circulated for dissemination.  “Garbage Dreams” movie to be presented.
  • Wastecon 2010 in Boston:  Salem applied and was accepted as a participant.  SalemRecycles to be on the panel discussion set for August 2010.
  • Watersense:  Conservation contest that as explained by Lynn.  Salem was a finalist.  Submission was an education program for children at the House of Seven Gables addressing water loss and leaks and conservation.
  • Plastics Movie:  Susan attended a presentation about the impact of plastics that enter waterways, including those caught in currents.  Susan offered to include anyone n the information list, if contacted.
  • Encouraging North Side Carting to expand collection options:  Topic raised to expand recycling in Salem to private clients, i.e. larger condos, etc.  Issue tabled to the Strategic Planning Meeting.
  • Science Fair March 11, 2010 at Bowditch Elementary:  Issue tabled to the March 8th meeting.
  • Liz will review the email contact list for accuracy and make corrections as needed.  Meeting adjourned 8:30 p.m.